Recovered Documents for Cassino

Documents recovered for persons in the Comune of Cassino consist of a list of those born in 1868 who did not present for military service, Marriage certificates for the parents and State of the family certificates.  Lista di Leva documents, applications for passports, penal certificates, gun permits, and expropriations.

Where known I have indicated the name of the father and year of birth.  The number is my reference number.

If you are having difficulty finding documents for Italian citizenship then something here may assist you in proving your link to Cassino.  Good luck.

38          Gigante Giovanni di Francesco 1868

38 Napolitano Rocco di Sabato 1868

38 Petronzio Giuseppe di Sabato 1868

38 Proia Gaetano di Giacomo 1868

54          Sacco Francesco di Domenico 1889

46          Lanciano Giovan Battista di Pietro 1876

49          Nardone Antonio  di Marco 1876

43          Nardone Giuseppe di Marco 1886

43          Nardone Domenico di Marco 1889

01          Mazzonna Alberto di Giovanni 1875

02          Toti Gaetano di Luigi 1876

50          Rosa Luca di Stefano 1893

21          Marrocco Leopoldo di Francesco 1866

10          Petronzio Gabriela fu Erasmo (widow Pacitti) 1846

11          Petillo Rocco

27          Petrillo Saverio di Giuseppe 1872

19          Colello Modesto fu Andrea 1859

19          Carlino Antonio

19          Forgione Leonardo

14          Parracione Giuseppa di Giuseppe 1883  Sant’Angelo

45          Pannaccione Davide fu Luigi

16          Carlino Antonio di Germano 1849

09          Morcilli Giuseppe

09/26/36             Pittiglia Luca fu Raffaele 1815

36          Gallozzi Giuseppe

219        Mascioli Giuseppe fu Marco

302        Mascioli Giuseppe

55          Gallozzi Vincenzo fu Cosmo 1837

55          Colucci Giovanni

55          Bonifaccio Paolo

Expropriations for a Prisoner of War Camp

259        Tucci Stanislao fu Federico

353        Grossi G. Battista fu Casimiro,

353        Di Vizi Luigi fu Benedetto,

353        Del Duca Antonia fu Gesualdo

420        Martire Antonio fu Raffaele

506        Di Vizio Luigi fu Benedetto

529        Paolella Pietro fu Giuseppe


  1. Hi Ann. Do you think there would be any records for my great grandfather born in Cassino 1884/5 Antonio Cavaliere. Fathers name was Domenico Cavaliere.


      • Thanks Ann. My great grandfather was born 1885 and left for Liverpool around 1900. Possibly his fathers records could be there. Domenico Cavaliere. Hope you are keeping well and doing ok. Did your brother get to Thomas Walkers grave in Liverpool. ?


  2. Hi ,
    I would like see any records about my great grandfather born in Cassino 1889 Domenico Nardone, and his brothers Antonio and Giuseppe, all mencioned in the upper list.
    Carlo NArdone


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